OBSS regularly holds Investiture Ceremonies during which membership is bestowed on new Knights and Dames, and promotions awarded to more established, deserving Members of the Order. The Ceremony begins with a Magistral Procession, a Prayer by the Prelate, and a Welcome Address by a Dignitary of the Order. It then proceeds to the Investiture Ceremony, which comprises the Religious-Equestrian Rite involving the Prelate, and the Solemn Investiture by the Grand Master. The Religious-Equestrian Rite includes the Postulants’ Oath of Loyalty, the Blessing of Insigna, Laying of the Hand, and the Presentation of Candles, Monastic Cordon, Sword and Spurs. The Solemn Investiture entails the Investiture with Sword, Presentation of Insigna and Mantle, and finally Installation as Knights and Dames of OBSS. This is followed by a Promotion Ceremony in which awardees are presented with their new Insigna.
For information on how to become a Knight or Dame of OBSS, please click on the button below and fill out the form by entering your details.